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Show is not showing scaled images

Author Message
Jeppe Donslund
Multishop professional
Topic creator
registered since: 28.08.2013
Posts: 27

Multishop is a very nice extension, thanks.

But I can't get it to show the scaled images. I have clicked the Resize-images in Web->Multishop, cleared cache, but it keeps showing the large images.

If I check the folders (50,100,200,300) all images has the same size, so the resize function doesn't resize them.

What can I have done wrong?

[This article was edited 1 times, at last 09.10.2014 at 08:39.]
Written on: 09. 10. 2014 [08:17]
Bas van Beek
Multishop guru
registered since: 12.05.2010
Posts: 644

Please post on our V3 forum and not in V2.

We do not have this issue. What happens if you update Multishop to our latest version that can be found on (make backup first).
Written on: 30. 10. 2014 [01:57]