Multishop from TYPO3 Extensions Repository
If you want to go for safe you can download the stable Multishop version from the official TYPO3 Extensions Repository.
Click here to download the stable version of Multishop from TER
Multishop demo package
For developers that have difficulties with configuring Multishop on TYPO3 6 we have made a demo package. The demo package contains a configured version of Multishop with TYPO3 6.2.3 and Twitter Bootstrap 3.
Steps to configure:
- Extract the file to the vhost folder (i.e. /var/www/
- Import the file database.sql to your database and remove it from the server.
- Adjust the MySQL credentials (host, database, username and password) in the file: typo3conf/LocalConfiguration.php
- Clean the typo3temp directories. (i.e. rm -rf typo3conf/temp_CACHED_* typo3temp/*)
- Login to the TYPO3 backend (and also in front-end as fe_user) with the following credentials:
- Username: typo3mslabAdmin
- Password: testMultishop123!
- Change the default back-end and front-end password
Multishop bleeding edge
For developers don't want to miss our daily updates we provide access to our GIT repository on Bitbucket.
Click here to download the bleeding edge version of Multishop